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A 4-Step Process to Challenge Fear and Self-Doubt

Fear and self-doubt are two emotions that every normal person faces. These are also two of the biggest obstacles to success and happiness.

Some people feel more fear and self-doubt than others, and some are better at overcoming these emotions than others. Regardless of where you fall on the fear/self-doubt spectrum, there are many things you can do to rise above these emotions.

Here are 4 such things you can do:

1. Identify what you’re afraid of. What do you really fear? Most of us don’t have to worry about being eaten by tigers. Our lives are rarely in danger. The most common fears in a modern society are failure and making a fool out of oneself. Find situations related to your fear that are only mildly uncomfortable. Perhaps you have a fear of public speaking. What could you do that’s similar, but less terrifying?

2. Take action. Thinking creates and magnifies fear. Taking action lessens fear. One of the best ways to get over fear is to immediately take action before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it. Most people would be more successful, happier, and less afraid if they thought less and did more.

3. Visualize yourself being unafraid. Imagine you have a twin that’s similar to you, but different in other ways. If you could build the perfect twin, what would they be like? What skills, beliefs, and attitudes would they have? How would they handle the situation that creates fear in you? Allow yourself to become that twin. 4. Get help. Whether you need some help from a friend or a professional, there’s no shame in getting help. You would get help if your car’s engine blew up. You’d get help if you had a broken leg. Get the help you need to deal with your fears. How much do you allow fear and self-doubt to rule your life? Imagine what your life would be like if you could overcome most of your fears and self-doubt.

Challenging fear and self-doubt means moving forward. Otherwise you will be moving backward. Most people avoid the actions that trigger these uncomfortable feelings. You can do better. You can act in the face of these emotions and live your life to the fullest.

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