You are either all the way in or all the way out, there is no in between.

The words of a song I remember well says “ You are either all the way in or all the way out, there’s no in between you either walk away or stand up and fight”.
I have no rights to this song, but it is always in my memory. This song was not a tribute to the men and women who fought for their country, but it reminded me that is what they do, they go out with passion and they persevere.
Whenever you think about Life, you should remind yourself that there is no in between. You are either in life or out of life. You must to go out with passion, take action and do whatever is necessary to persevere and fulfil your purpose.
There are two ways to do this.
1. Connect firmly to your Anchor: Your Purpose is your Anchor. There are two main pillars that will help you to stay anchored to that Purpose . These are Passion and Perseverance. You may not truly fulfill your Purpose here on earth without the Passion that fuels you to know it, pursue it, and live it. Then you will need the Perseverance to walk through the days when there are only dark valleys, no sunshine and you feel like giving up.
2. Stay all the way In: If you are still here in life, relax, take a deep breath and hold onto comfort, that you are in Purpose. Now pause and make a resolution. Resolve to stay all the way in, as there is no in between. Protect your position and move forward. You can do this, Press into your Peace and Persevere into your Purpose.
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