"A man’s gift makes room for him “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men”. Proverbs 18:16 Amplified Bible (AMP)

In 2005 I walked into a bookstore and saw a book by Dr. Myles Munroe titled “The Principles and Power of Vision”. I immediately got a copy along with its study guide. This book is power packed with nuggets, principles and gems on the topic. How many of us struggle to understand what vision is? How many of us struggle to identify or even to carve out our own vision? How many of us know what our life’s purpose(s) is or are? You see, our world is filled with people who are busy, very busy trying to make life work. People work two and three jobs to make ends meet, and somehow for many the two ends have never met. We go to sundry meetings, we are heavily involved in church or engaged with other activities, but we are not ultimately effective, fulfilled or satisfied. Years ago, I worked for a corporate company in a senior position, led over forty-five team members, had a billion-dollar target to fulfil for my branch, which was met at the end of the year. I was serving on eight committees in church, teaching Sunday school, sat on a school board, headed up the local chamber of commerce and other community programs. I tried balancing work and life, but I was woefully falling short. There was something missing, but I could not put my finger on it. It never occurred to be that my vision was out of sync with my purpose and until both intersected, my life would continue to be one of many ventures with little fulfilment. How many of you reading this right now, has done or is doing what I did? How many of you are plague with the feelings of unease and unfulfillment? Are you aware that this is as a result of a vision that is out of sync with your purpose? I want you to know you are not the only person in this, and this doesn’t mean that you are not able to find your way out. This is a reminder, that God, your creator has deposited some stuff inside of you to help you live a purposeful and fulfilled life. Come let us journey together and explore these wonderful deposits called Vision, Passion and Purpose. Proverbs reminds us that the gift that he has placed inside of us will make room for us and bring us before great kings. It does not just happen, nothing just happens. You must expose that gift. You are designed by God to do great things. No Matter how many people are out there with similar gifting, doing similar things. You are designed by God to write your own vision, expose your passion and live your purpose. Let's Discuss:
Where are you at this point in your life?
What is your vision? Have you written it? Have you made it plain?
What are you passionate about? How are you exposing that passion?
Do you know what you were born to do? OR are you just existing in life?
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