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Navigating Life: Be Led by your Faith

Sometimes we are tempted to act based on our experiences and in fact experiences is the one of the best things to have in life. Yet our experiences can often work against us to diminish our faith. 

Having had a past negative experience can cause some people to feel fearful or anxious and often doubt themselves if they can do more and become better.

Let your faith lead you forward to higher and greater not backward and less. 

Let your faith be that anchor that secures you firmly to your purpose.

Let your faith be built upon:

God: In other words, God has been your help up to this point in time, believe he will continue to be your help. Hitherto has he helped us; he will continue to lead us if we allow him to.

Experiences: It is your faith that has given you all the experiences up to know. Move forward with greater faith for greater experiences.

Knowledge: Knowledge is a path for the wise and with greater faith comes greater knowledge. When we have faith for the journey, our experiences often become better. Fear and apprehension are minimized when we know.

Self-Awareness: Your faith works to heighten your awareness, allowing you to see that good is happening to you and for you. Though it may not be visible to everyone, your faith allows you to hold on to that truth.

Today I encourage you to choose to be led firstly by your faith and not by sight. A faith driven life is one of marvelous experiences. Declare and believe that - Hither to has God led us and will continue to do so.

Press forward into your peace and persevere into your purpose.

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