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Create Your Own Options

Every day we are presented with various options that life gives us. As a matter of fact, from the day we were born, we have been accepting the options of others.

Options are being thrown at us from every side. Our parents gave us options, our siblings, friends, associates, teachers, college professors, employers, pastors, and life gave us options too.

From every side we are being bombarded with options not created by us. Most times we get frustrated, trying to choose which of those options to accept.

Pause for a moment to think.

The two emotions that usually cause people not to create their own options are Fear and Self-Doubt. These emotions will constantly tell you that you cannot do it, or they cause you to fear taking the first step towards creating your own options.

Hear this:

You can create your own options; you do not have to accept what others or life gives to you all the time.

If you are dependent on life or other people to give you options or make you happy, successful or prosperous, you may constantly live an unfulfilled life.

Create your own options.

Here are some ways to create your own options.

ü Gaining an awareness of self. Self-identity, Self-belief, Self-awareness.

ü Take Personal Responsibility for your actions.

ü Know that you do not have to fear the consequences of your own options.

ü Know that you deserve better and learn to ask for what you want.

ü Flip the switch and change your narrative, expect only the best.

Today, you can be intentional about creating those options.

Go out and create your own options, you will be creating your own reality.

Only then will you become your authentic self.

You will be better for doing that. Press into your Peace and Progress into your Purpose.

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